Year 1 2024 - 2025

Mrs Ahmad 1AA

Mrs Ahmad 1AA

Hello! I am Mrs Ahmad and I am overjoyed to be entering my fifth year at Woodlands Primary School. I am so privileged to have the opportunity to work in Y1 again this year; I am so excited to be your teacher!

This year is going to be such an exciting year for us all, as you head from Reception into Y1; we are going to learn about lots of things together. Our learning journey will take place using a child centred approach, enabling learning opportunities to help you reach your full potential.

When I am not in school, you can find me on fun filled days out with Mr Ahmad and my two daughters, Malaika and Alishba. We usually end up walking in North Wales or taking part in outdoor adventure sports; we enjoy climbing, bouldering, gorge walking and mountain biking. We also love camping, running, exploring mountains and especially having a BBQ by a lovely lake.

I already know lots about you from talking with your Reception class teachers.

Mrs Williams  1LW

Mrs Williams 1LW

Hello, I am Mrs Williams. This year marks the start of my 19th year teaching at Woodlands, I think I'm part of the fixtures and fittings now! I have worked across Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, and am excited about returning to Year 1 this year. I am currently Phonics Lead in school. I am extremely passionate about Early Reading and teaching children to read and develop a love of reading - phonics first but not forever!

I have 2 daughters aged 12 (Year 8) and 8 (Year 4) who constantly keep me busy! We love to spend time together as a family exploring in the woods, going to the park or the beach or simply visiting Grandparents and Great-Grandparents. We also love reading, crafty activities (who doesn't love a bit of glitter?) and going shopping!




We are looking forward to an exciting half term with you and have lots of great activities planned to support our creative curriculum.




Our main text for this half-term is 'Major Glad, Major Dizzy'.

This story will take the children through 100 years in the lives of two toy soldiers, Major Glad and Major Dizzy who get lost under the floorbaords.

Our write away at the end of the unit will be a historical diary from Major Glad's point of view.


 Mastery Targets for Spring 2:

  • Join words and clauses using 'and'
  • Add suffixes where no change is needed to the root of the word
  • Punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark



Maths Banner Summer 2 Year 1.jpg


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Mastery Targets for Spring 2:



In Mathematics this half term we will be learning about:

Length and Height

We will:

  • Compare lengths and heights
  • Measure lengths using objects
  • Measure lengths using centimetres

Weight and Mass

We will:

  • Compare heavier and lighter
  • Measure and comapare mass 
  • Measure and compare volume
  • Measure and compare capacity
  • Explore full and empty

Place Value within 50

We will:

  • Count from 20 to 50.
  • Understand multiples of 10 up to 50.
  • Count by making groups of 10.
  • Make groups of tens and ones.
  • Partition numbers into tens and ones.
  • Use a number line to 50.
  • Estimate on a number line to 50.
  • Find one more and one less within 50





Read Write Inc. sessions will continue to develop the children's reading skills as they learn their sounds, segmenting and blending whilst also developing their comprehension skills. If you would like to help your child to practise their phonic knowledge for reading at home, then follow the link for more information.





During Science this half term, we will continue to learn about Materials.

We will:


  • Identify and name a variety of materials used to make toys.
  • Explore and describe wooden, metal and plastic toys and their properties.




In History this term, we will be learning about The Victorians. During Spring 1, we will focus on Toys Through Time. During Spring 2, we will learn about what life was like for Victorian children.


We will:

  • Learn that history means things that happened in the past

    Develop an awareness of the past

    Begin to understand a chronological framework within our lifetimes

    Ask and answer questions using stories and other sources

    Understand how we can find out about the past

    Recognise changes within living memory



Some useful websites:


P.E Information

Please make sure that your child wears their PE kit to school on their PE days: Monday and Friday

Indoor kit: a white t-shirt, black shorts, pumps and socks

Outdoor kit: plain, dark coloured jogging bottoms, a jumper or hoody and outdoor trainers, socks

Please make sure all items of school clothing are clearly labelled and that named water bottles are sent in daily.


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