Foxes Pre-School 2023 - 2024

Miss Rowland  FOXES

Miss Rowland FOXES

Hello. My name is Miss Rowland, and I have worked at Woodlands for 5 years. I am excited to meet you all and discover lots of new things together.

In my spare time, I love to go swimming and I’m actually a swimming teacher too. I love the outdoors and have even taken up wild swimming. On the weekends, I can usually be found on my paddle board or going for hikes to explore new places. I also have two little dogs called Bailee and Peppa, and I enjoy taking them for walks along the beach.

I cannot wait to get to know you all and I am looking forward to all of the fun-filled adventures we are going to have.


A very warm welcome to Nursery!

We would like to give a very warm welcome to Foxes Nursery children.  The children are very lucky to work alongside a team of experienced professionals who move between the spaces and provide lots of opportunities to have fun, explore and learn.


                                Reading area.jpg    construction area.jpg  

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Our focus text for this half term is 'The Sea Saw' by Tom Percival.

The Sea Saw.jpg

When Sofia loses her beloved bear at the beach, nobody sees but the sea.


Literacy Mastery Targets For Summer:

Use some of their print and letter knowledge in their early writing.

Write some or all of their name.

Write some letters accurately.

Recognise words with the same initial sound.

Spot and suggest rhyming words.


Maths Targets For Summer 2:

Describe a familiar route.

Discuss routes and locations, using words like 'in front of' and 'behind'.

Experiment with their own symbols and marks as well as numerals

Understand position through words alone. 



Please make sure that your child wears their PE kit to school on their PE day (Tuesday will be an indoor kit and Wednesday will be an outdoor kit).

Indoor kit: a white t-shirt, black shorts, pumps and socks (or anything suitable).

Outdoor kit: plain, dark coloured jogging bottoms, a jumper or hoody and outdoor trainers and socks (or anything suitable).


Polite requests:

Please send your child with a labelled bag and water bottle (water only). Could you also provide your child with spare clothes and a nappy/pull up, nappy sack and wipes if your child is not yet toilet trained.

Please label ALL of your child's belongings.

Please inform of any changes in advance of the adult that will be collecting at the end of the day (Children under the age of 16, will not be permitted to collect a child). 

The outdoor environment is set up prior to arrival, please do not allow your child to play on the equipment.

As part of their curriculum, the children are encouraged to access outdoors, exploring and learning about the environment. We like to take the children outside whether it's sunny, rainy, windy or snowy. Having a coat in school will facilitate this. 

Please encourage independence with health and self-care, including dressing and toileting.

We value your contributions to your child's learning journal. Each class has an E-mail address (see below) to allow you to send us pictures of your children doing things at home. You can also add pictures and activites to your child's Tapestry.









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