Resource Provision Y1 - 1KS 2024 - 2025

Ms Smith

Ms Smith

I am Ms Smith and I have worked at Woodlands since September 2020, when I helped lots of different children from all year groups with their learning. I have taught in Year 3 and Year 4 and then last year I was on maternity leave with my new baby son.

Before training to be a teacher, I worked for over 10 years as a solicitor and I was inspired in 2018 to change my career and do something I really love – helping children to grow and learn. It was the best decision I ever made.

I love all things sports related and I have played a lot of different sports in my time, including football, cricket, hockey and netball. When I'm not running around a pitch or a court, I enjoy reading and spending time with my family, especially on walks outdoors in nature. When I was younger, I learned to dance (ballet, tap and modern) and I still love it now, but I am mostly limited now to a good boogie on a dancefloor!

I look forward to welcoming the members of 1KS to our brand new space and to the exciting adventures we will have this year.

Welcome to 1KS.

1KS is a resourced provision class for Year 1 aged children with an environment that primarily focuses on early communication and interaction skills.  Children in 1KS follow the same themes as our mainstream Year 1 classes, with their learning personalised to meet their individual needs and continue their progression from Reception, whether that was in our Acorns class or elsewhere. Most of the activities are child led, with a focus on their individual targets outlined in the child’s EHCP. Adults will also lead on other activities that are planned to ensure development and progression across key areas of learning.

We have a newly refurbished classroom for 1KS and a fabulous outdoor learning environment that the children access regularly throughout the day. 

Within our classroom, staff ensure the children have access to resources and activities throughout the school day that are carefully chosen to engage the children in their learning, which reflect their interests, and in doing so, meet the needs of each unique child.  Each week there will be some phonics, maths and literacy activities, opportunities to learn about the world, music, art and ‘messy play’. 

Each area of learning within 1KS has been designed and developed to promote opportunities for social and communication interactions to develop early communication skills. The experienced adults in the room consistently model to the children, using visuals, simple language and objects of reference to move children’s learning forward. Resources are carefully placed to support and develop children’s communication skills as they work with adults or as the child works independently.

Within 1KS we also offer an environment and resources that provide opportunities for emotional regulation, such as our cushion corner, with bean bags, blankets and cushions, and our sensory toys.  Within our classroom adults use visuals, simple language and objects of reference to develop and support children’s early social communication and emotional regulation needs. The space can be used to support co regulation to meet children’s sensory needs so they are therefore ready to learn.



This half term our year group book is the Dragon Machine so we will be watching the story be read aloud and using the theme of dragons and "belonging" to help us with our learning. We will look at other dragon stories, perform some dragon narrative role play and do some drawing, painting and colouring of dragons in our Art sessions. We will continue to develop our counting and number recognition up to 20 in maths, and to use the apparatus and soft play equipment in the hall to develop our climbing, jumping, balancing and moving skills in PE. We will continue to use a variety of musical instruments in our music sessions and will explore different textures, smells, tastes and soundsin our sensory play actiities. During sensory time we will also investigate different materials and name them (for example wood, plastic and metal) and we will continue to develop our fine motor skills with fun activities on the dragon theme. We will have a skills focus on "independence" this term to help our children learn to do certain routine things for themselves.

Resource Provision Y1 - 1KS: Events items

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